新たなる ENDO を読み解く

Endo at the Rotunda


Sushi Chef・KAZUTOSHI ENDO | 鮨職人・遠藤和年さん




年が明け、新しい Endoを訪れることにができるようになった時、ぜひ、知っておいていただきたいことがいくつかある。

最も厳しいものだったこの時、「コロナとの戦いと挑戦と」は、別のページ にも書かせていただいたので、もし、時間のある方は、ぜひ、こちらも読んでいただけると嬉しい。







【 第1章  舎利 】










“ これを、今のロンドンで出してみたい。
点と点を、線でつなぎたい “















 【 第2章  握り 】


















【 第3 章  御料理  】













【 最終章  結界  】













菊谷なつきさん (www.museumofsake.co.uk)( www.instagram.com/natsukipim ) がセレクションする日本酒が、さらにパワーアップしてる。日本でもなかなか手に入らないという銘柄を、Endoのために仕入れているそうだ。彼女の日本酒の目利きは一級で、彼女のアドバイスに従順に従えば、洗練された、格別の日本酒に辿り着ける。この日は新政のエクリュをいただいた。エレガントな芳香と舌あたり。華があり、躍動感のある味わい。まさに、Endoの新しい出発を祝うにふさわしいお酒だった。「そのお酒に物語があるかどうか」。なつきさんがお酒を選ぶときの基準となっている事柄だそうだ。 





すでにご存知で、食事、お弁当をテイクアウトされた方もいらっしゃると思うが、12月に遠藤さんが新しく出店した、カジュアルな店だ。お母様の名前からとった店名。店内の暖かい灯の中に足を踏み入れると、心休まるのは、そんなつながりがあるのかもしれない。鮨ヘッドシェフは、安田明徳さん。料理を担当するヘッドシェフにDavid Buryさん。遠藤さんの精神を大いに受け継がれている。小回りのきく、活気あるこの店が、これから、どんな面白い展開をされるのか、とにかく、目が離せない。


唯一無二のEndo at Rotundaの世界。








Naoko Jeffries

Decoding the New Chapter of ENDO at the ROTUNDA

Kazutoshi Endo ’s New Challenge

新たなる ENDO を読み解く [鮨職人・遠藤和年さん]


I believe that hope for a new year has not disappeared.

When the next year comes and we are able to visit the new Endo at Rotunda, there are a few things I’d suggest you to know.
I believe these knowledge will make your time and dishes have a deeper meaning and make it even more precious memory.

During the nine months away from the restaurant, Endo san has overcome many difficulties.
I have written a piece about his battles during the lockdown “Finding My Taigi”, so if you have time, I would be grateful if you could read it too.

After all these challenges, and just after I wrote the article, he faced another extreme difficulties, and the last week’s soft-opening day was all about coming back from the brink of death.

“They say that the heart is broken, but I was indeed broken at this time. It was like a broken branch with only a thin layer of skin, a single fiber, holding it together. I was thinking of going back to Japan”

When he spoke to me at the end of the soft opening day last week, I saw tears in the corners of his eyes.

I will leave to write about his feelings and struggles at that time for another opportunity.

In coming my posts, I would like to tell you about the present, after he has gone beyond that point, the new chapter that has begun at Endo, and his brand new sushi and food you can enjoy there.


Vol.1  SHARI –  sushi rice 舎利

Like Endo san’s greeting at the opening, I, too, dare not go into details in this article, but during the nine months of closure, he confided that “I was completely broken at that time”.

The most important story of the new beginning that Endo san states is Shari – sushi rice.

Shari was the new start of it all.

Shari was the source of the energy that allowed him to reopen the restaurant after the difficulties he had faced, like a phoenix flapping its wings.

So what’s the difference?

And why Shari?

He says it was a box he found by chance when he was moving house.
He had forgotten that the box even existed.
When he opened it, he found a book that belonged to his father who had passed away.

This is an old book on Edomae Sushi, first published in the Meiji period.
It is a detailed description of old sushi from the same period as Endo san’s grandfather.
Many of Endo san’s father’s notes were there too.
He immediately called his mother and asked her about this.

Endo san couldn’t help but feels that this was a sign.
Sushi rice from the Edo period, more than 100 years ago.
He was surprised when he saw the recipe.
Everything was different; the way the rice was cooked, the vinegar they used…
However, there was scientific reasons and rationale behind it.

His mother told him that his grandfather used to make sushi using this Shari.

A passionate feeling welled up inside Endo san.

“I want to serve this sushi in London today.
I would like to take my dear customers to Edo-period Japan.
Past, present and future…..I want to connect the dots”

The painful feeling of being under the pandemic run through him, like a revolving lantern.

Throughout this year, I don’t think any of us have been able to stop thinking about where we come from and where we are going.

The new Shari is completely sugar free.
The vinegar Endo san uses now is made from sake lees, aged for two months and brought from Japan.
This may bring out the sweetness and the roundness of the rice even without sugar, and is creating the perfect “Anbai” balance.

I was a little surprised when I saw the really tiny rice chest.
The shari is cooked in three portions of 400g each.
And each time, Endo san changes the mix of rice used.

Endo san showed me a small portion of the rice.

“Can you see it’s even redder than before?”

he says, smiling.

Endo san’s Shari is used at different temperatures depending on the ingredients, and is sometimes very warm.
For example, on this day, the prawns were 36°C, at the body temperature, while the Shari was about 30°C.

And in the new course, we are receiving even more nigiri in the palm of our hands than before.
How do we feel when we receive this new Shari in the palm of our hand?
You can feel the temperature of the warm sushi rice directly in your hand.
Moreover, the nigiri is made even more delicate than when we pick it up with our fingers.

After finishing all 20 plus courses, you realise that your memory of Shari is remarkably faint.
In other words, there is no sense of the rice’s insistence or imposition.
This is the absolute core essence of sushi rice.

“The temperature in London today is very close to the temperature in Japan in the Edo period,”

said Endo san, delighted at the unexpected coincidence.

I felt I could see the little lights glowing warmly inside him.


Vol.2  NIGIRI 握り

“ The Shari has now changed, so the preparation of the Neta has all changed. It’s completely, totally different”

When the staff at the restaurant were first told about the change, they were quite perplexed: “Chef, are we going that far?”

In the summer, during the lockdown, Endo san told me already that “The next time we reopen, I won’t do it normally”

At that time, I think it was June, just to reopen the restaurant and get back to normal business was very difficult. It was normal for anyone to not even have the energy to think about making it better than before. But Endo san had no such thoughts in his mind. He wants to give something reaching to the customers’ heart who are waiting for him and come back to eat. He wants to deepen the meanings of the human connection he felt at the lockdown. So, Endo san decided to reduce the number of seats from 10 to 8. This is because he wants to be able to face each person more individually. If you’ve ever been to the restaurant or seen a picture of it, you’ll know that the number of seats is completely unthinkable in a place like London, with that space, that décor and that first class staff.

“I don’t think it’s enough to serve sushi that you would say you’ve eaten somewhere before”

The sushi and nigiri he served were exactly what he promised.
Each piece was strewn with intensity, emotional power and powerful impressions.
They were utterly magnificent. 

On this day, out of the 20 dishes in the course, there were 12 pieces of sushi and nigiri.

For the new course for this time of the reopening, Endo san states his philosophy is not common “Ichigo Ichie” – to treat every meeting is like once in a lifetime, but “Ichiza Konryu” – to stand as one unit.

On that night, at that moment, it was still my Ichigo Ichie, and the encounter and the taste were ephemerally disappeared in my mouth, but they are keenly and deeply etched in the memory of my mind.

On this day, we were served the Otoro and Chutoro, the part next to Kama, from the Spanish Balearic Sea, not the North Atlantic but the Mediterranean.
(In the video, he says that tomorrow it will be lockdown again, so only the best of the best parts will be served)
The fish is aged for 8 days. This Neta was carefully aged to bring out its deep flavour and umami, but “not too much”, he says. He doesn’t overdo it, because if he does, the fat becomes like vegetable oil and the flavour is lost.

The most sensational nigiri of the night for me was the scallops. Endo san’s philosophy is “Not buy this fish, but buy from this person”. The diver who brought us this scallops dives deeper than anyone else. “They are alive” says Endo san. The scallops tasted like a beauty out-of-this world. Ultimately pure, bursting with rare elements of the deep water. It was like a pearl that they seem to concentrate only the beautiful, purity of the sea. Unbelievable flavour. And the actual scallops magically disapper from your mouth in a moment. I was left with the feeling of a pounding heart…… There, on top, is the British caviar of Kobujime and containing no salt, which Endo san took two years to create.

I was also impressed by the cleanness and delicate aroma of the mackerel. Endo san buys his mackerel from a fisherman he put his trusts in full. Even though the fish come from the same sea and area, the difference is obvious when you eat it. It is the beautiful sushi, with the spirit of the fishermen and a certain tenderness that is palpable on the tongue.

This oyster are made with the same technique as Nihama, the Edomae work called “Tsukekomi” that is also often used for Hamaguri clams. Very traditional method, cooked in soy, sake and other ingredients, but Endo san’s one is extremely softly done. In your mouth, this nigiri, slowly and roundly, delivers an indescribable nostalgic flavour that brings you back to the memories of your past in an instant.

This is the superb sea bass sushi. Never come crossed before such a rich and powerful sea bass. Four days ageing, a piece of three slices. The umami created by the ageing is remarkably intense that fills the mouth with a lingering pleasure.

In addition to the above, the popular salmon is fragrant with Yamadanishiki smoked rice straw.. The eel is this time charcoal grilled with Binchotan. The signature “business card” is still in place. Other highlights include Kobujime squid from Cornwall and Scottish langoustines with aged caviar …. All of these are excellent and moving.


Vol.3  ORYORI  dishes お料理

Sushi is not the only thing that has evolved at the new Endo.
Perhaps it is the Oryori – dishes that have clearly improved the most.

The Dashi, the core of Japanese cuisine, was made in front of us, from shaving dried bonito flakes, just in time for the Wan dish to be served.
The aroma and flavour was rising up and the warm, freshly prepared prime Dashi sooth my body and calm my mind.

“At the beginning of the meal, I serve Dashi dish as if to purify the body and soul”

This day’s Wan was with crab Shinjo, which is the delight of the season.

What’s more, you can’t help but notice the changes: the Tempura.
Fragrant Matsutake mushrooms from Japan. Lobster from Brigham, Devon. The monkfish is covered in Bekko an sauce made with dark soy and thicken with Kuzu. And these tempura are served at different times, interspersed between the courses.
The batter is lighter than before, allowing the flavours of the ingredients to shine through. Endo’s attention to detail is also evident in the different sauces that accompany each dish.

Each of these dishes appears interspersed between the nigiri, and they are as like from the well-honed fast, straight ball to the screwball, Endo throws them with skill.
It’s a completely different experience from the usual sushi counter.
This is what makes restaurant Endo a unique experience, it stands out as the only one of its kind.

Imagine being so overwhelmed by the power of sushi, which Endo san put his soul in every “throw”, that you let your mind wander for a moment, while a dazzling array of superstar dishes makes its appearance.

Be prepared for a serious match with Endo san , the one to stimulate the brain, delight the tongue and shake the heart.

The most memorable Oryori for me was the yellow tail Shabu-Shabu. The yellow tail is lightly glazed with Yoshino kuzu before being parboiled for a second, giving it a plump texture and sealing in the flavours.
The dipping Tsuyu sauce is as rich as the supreme quality yellow tail which almost too good to cook. You will see Endo san’s meticulous work in it.

For the Yakimono grill dish, we first had Kuwa-Yaki quail. After a couple of pieces of toro nigiri, we had a powerful dish called “seared” Otoro, which was almost as like steak. And then there is the Miyazaki Wagyu beef, very delicately cooked. This beef was served so unobtrusively at the end of the course, but I could write a whole post on this dish alone. It was a real burst of energy from Endo san, with no corners cut. The dish was accompanied by British Shogoin turnip and beetroot, cooked in a Shio Gama. The vegetables are covered all over with salt, placed in a ceramic container and cooked slowly in the oven. The pots were specially ordered just for this dish.


Vol. 4 KEKKAI  結界

To enjoy restaurant Endo, it is enough to just sit there and leave yourself in the hands of Endo san.

Still, knowing a little bit about the chef’s thoughts would make your precious time at this place even richer, so I decided to write this series after the reopening.

What I wanted to tell you the most in this series is KEKKAI – the boundary.

This word, which is difficult to understand immediately on hearing, appears at the beginning of Endo’s dinner. This is why I felt compelled to tell you and write this article.

KEKKAI is originally a Buddhist term, which is often heard perhaps during a tea ceremony.
It is said to have originated when monks separated the sacred area from the secular area in order to practice asceticism.
In other words, it is a boundary line that separates the inside from the outside, the sacred from the profane, but we can also see certain kinds of wards in our daily lives, not only in temples and shrines.
For example, Noren- the curtain of a shop, or placing the chopsticks in a line for a meal are also considered to be a kind of boundary.

However, it’s not that Endo san considers his restaurant a sanctuary. It’s just that he wants us to be free from the troubles and worries of everyday life, at least when we dine at Endo, and to enjoy a moment of pleasure. That’s why the first drink is called “KEKKAI”. After this drink, you will feel calm and happy.
In other words, I think, Endo is expressing his determination to do his utmost to make this happen.

The new course is divided into five chapters, the first of which is “Reunion” , where you will be served Kekkai drink based on Hojicha tea, with a slight twist.
I won’t go in details not to spoil it for you.

When the course is over, we sit at the bar and are served a blend of three different teas. Again, the same Houjicha is used in the greatest proportions. I felt the beginning and the end coming full circle.

Now, Endo san is cooking with Binchotan charcoal from Wakayama. There are a number of techniques in Japanese cuisine that are known as ” Shokunin Waza – artisanal”, and this technique of using Bonchotan is certainly one of them. It is very difficult to handle, but when it is mastered, it has a tremendous power to bring out the true value of ingredients that you may have never been encountered before. You can get a taste of it at Endo.

Natsuki Kikutani who is in charge with Sake and Wine menu at Endo has uppedated her selection of Sake. She sources some of the hardest to find brands in Japan for the restaurant. Her sake connoisseurship is first class, and if you follow her advice, you’ll meet a refined and exceptional Sake. On this night, I had ARAMASA Ecru. Elegant in aroma and texture, the taste is floral and dynamic. It was the perfect Sake to celebrate Endo’s new start. Natsuki san’s philosophy is “whether the sake tells a story”.

At the Endo bar, they are now serving cocktails to go with the sushi…. This is a completely new world for me and I hope to learn more from the bartender, Jun Ichikawa. This is an unprecedented initiative. It’s very exciting.

Although Endo san has a strong impact, it is the staff that make the difference. The first time I saw Endo san at an event, my eyes were glued to the movements of the apprentice standing next to him. The synchronised flow of his movements, the way he never misses a breath. The fact that he has such a staff shows how excellent he is.

“ When Britain went into full lockdown, I decided that I would not let anyone go “
Endo san told me.

The staff are wonderful, not only in their skills but also in their hearts. At the restaurant, I hope you will also relish the competence of all these staff members.

SUMI is a new casual restaurant opened by Endo san in December. It’s named after his mother. Perhaps it is this connection that you feel like a warm welcome when you step into the calm light of the restaurant. The head Sushi chef is Akinori Yasuda san and the head cuisine chef is David Bury, who both have inherited much of Endo san’s spirit. It will be interesting to see what the future holds for this lively restaurant. www.sushisumi.com


I have written about new Endo at Rotunda in five chapters including the foreword.
I’d like to thank you all for letting me write this long texts, and for reading this far.
The world of Endo at Rotunda is One and Only…
I hope that you have enjoyed the stories, the picture and the film images.

Please do check lively actions with some films that are up on my Instagram.


I can only hope that we can return to eating in restaurants soon.
I am also wishing all the producers and suppliers the best of luck in continuing to provide the same excellent food under the new post-Brexit regulations.

Thank you from the bottom of my hearts to everyone who gave me the wonderful opportunity and the kind support for me.

December 2020

Prestigious A5 Wagyu Sando by Chef Taiji Maruyama, TAKA Marylebone


There is a Sando (Sandwiches for Japanese) that is currently much talked about and simply the best in London. It’s WAGYU STEAK SANDO created by a team of exciting modern Japanese restaurant TAKA Marylebone London, lead by the executive chef TAIJI MARUYAMA.

No one argue that A5 (the highest grade) is the most sought after Japanese Wagyu beef, and at TAKA, they use only this top player.

Chef MARUYAMA san has a long experience at Nobu Restaurant and Mr Nobu Matsuhisa himself cared for and looked after the chef, and he also has worked at the famous Japanese restaurant in UK, Beaverbrook Hotel.
Over a long period of time, Maruyama san has built up a strong relationship of trust and great passion with a meat wholesaler who specialises in only the finest authentic Japanese Wagyu beef.

Executive chef TAIJI MARUYAMA

“We use A5 grade, which our customers love and today’s Wagyu is from Kagoshima in Kyushu; A5 is so precious that I don’t want anything to go to waste at all, including the fat “

says the chef.

To create Wagyu sando, the chef chose to use Japanese loaf bread Shokupan from Happy Sky Bakery which has soft and bouncy texture with a subtle sweetness as like the one in Japan.

The sirloin steak 80g is cooked heavenly perfect to medium rare, the heat gently gone through, with no rare part or no tough part, a refine finish.
The Wagyu is first Sous Vide at 55°C for 15 minutes and then cooked in a veg oil bath for only 30 seconds, in a piping hot pan.

The sauce is the chef’s version of “Worcestershire sauce” made from Haccho miso.
It has a taste reminiscent of Katsu sauce and makes the beef feel like it. Very clever.

Other ingredients include English mustard and butter. Chef Maruyama wanted to create a dish that blended Japan and England together.

Have a look the cooking process on my Insta Reels Posting


Despite the image of its big meaty alpha appearance, the actual taste is really light.
The fat of the finest Wagyu melts at a low temperature, making it light on the tongue and not rich or heavy when tasted.
Only the gorgeous sweetness of the beautiful Wagyu fat remains, lingering on the palate.
The flavour also merges with the Shokupan’s sweetness along side with the mustard and the spicy sauce which giving a good kick.
It’s just a delight sando that will fulfil your body and mind

Chef TAIJI MARUYAMA’s great creativity and philosophy go beyond the super popular sando.

When I met the chef, the first word Maruyama san told me was,

“I don’t want to waste any tiny parts of the Wagyu. Use up every part of the beef, even the fat and drippings”

The chef’s “Head to Tail Eating” philosophy is reflected in every dish on the menu here.

KAGOSHIMA WAGYU STEAK HACHE is another highly recommended dish, which is actually a not mince pate, but SIRLOIN steak strips formed into a hache. This allows the flavour and good biting texture of Wagyu greatly alive… Really really juicy with excellent meat flavours, so satisfying at ever bite. Absolutely gem dish 🚀 A good competitor to the Wagyu Sando 💪🏻

WAGYU DRIPPING RICE BOWL is the one where you find the chef’s thought from… as he wanted to use up even all the drippings. So he created fantastic Sukiyaki flavour bowl of rice, which you eat with Nori seaweed. This is another amazing dish ⭐️ made by a brilliant talent.

Chef’s love for the ingredients goes deep in vegetables, distinguished with @namayasai farm in Sussex.

TSUKEMONO (pickled vegetables) SALAD or SUSSEX PUMPKIN WITH TRUFFLE MISO showing how much vegetables can express…

MOCHI FLATBREAD really surprised me, with its real Mochi-like texture, nice plump and the wonderful “chewinesss”.

TAKA Marylebone


ROKETSU  Gozen Bento by Daisuke Hayashi     「露結」by  林大介 “京懐石の息吹”


京料理界を代表する、林大介シェフの新たなる懐石料理店「露結」の 御膳弁当。


“Absolutely Phenomenal ” is my heartfelt voice.

I clearly, confidently would like to say that the opening of Chef Daisuke Hayashi’s new restaurant ROKETSU (scheduled in Spring 2021) will be one of the most important and exciting events in Japanese cuisine for the coming year.

And this gorgeous Bento Box, limited numbers only each week, is a sneak peek of what it will be like.

Each “dish” of this Bento is absolutely phenomenal.

Chef Hayashi san is a genuine master of Kyoto cuisine, trained under Yoshihiro Murata of Kyoto Kikunoi, who holds seven Michelin stars and “The Don” of Kyoto Cuisine, for more than 10 years before moved to London in 2009.

There are not many chefs even in Japan, who are steeped in deep traditions, trained in the highest prestige and have mastered the art of cooking, Kyo Kaiseki.
Chef Hayashi’s classic Kaiseki technique is unparalleled, and the knowledge on Japan’s traditions and the cuisine is vast.

After Hayashi san moved to London, with his mentor Mr. Murata san’s strong desire to bring authentic Japanese cuisine to the world, he helped and worked for several new openings as the executive chef including Tokimeite in Mayfair.
At there, he and Murata san have explored Japanese dishes which would suit Western palates, but for this time, after waited for more than a decade, Hayashi san decided to open his own restaurant and he is determined to create authentic Kaiseki, just like the one served in Japan.

“ In making this Bento, I have simply followed the tradition and cooked it the way it was meant to be cooked.“

The chef says modestly that he just did normal thing, but as we all know, doing “normal” is the difficult thing.
And for me, someone who is living outside Japan and at least know the differences of the water hardness and the ingredients for example, to cook like in Japan seemed an impossible task…

This Gozen Bento took me straight to Kyoto.

It was surprising and inspiring.
Never before have I had such authentic and totally consistent Japanese food abroad.

Since I first arrived at London 1995, I have seen brutal reality of that it is extremely difficult to recreate real Japanese food outside Japan.
It is because, Japanese cuisine is hugely rely on its unique nature, so the further away you go from it, the more severe the condition becomes.

Master Murata told me that nearly 40 years ago, when he went to France to cook a Kaiseki dinner with other top Kaiseki chefs, he took all the water and ingredients with him from Japan.
He was devastated by the reality that he could not cook Japanese without bringing all of that.
Since then he has worked to make Japanese food using local ingredients, but I have been seeing that it is extremely challenging.

So, having this Bento in front of me, the taste of Japan, the taste of Kyoto, spread out in front of me and came back to life, and I wondered how it was possible to make such food.

It’s a Bento that seems to have magically appeared from somewhere else.



露結 by 林大介 シェフ





















🍱 この御膳のご注文はこちらより。


The Cookbook for all FoodLovers


– New ways to cook, eat and think – by Josh Niland

This is the cook book that opens up new era for all foodlovers,
whether who loves fish or not.

The author and the chef Josh Niland of Saint Peter guides us to a new field of fish cooking
with his brilliant approaches, which includes dry-ageing, eating offals, bones and its scales…
These weren’t much talked about before in the most of the countries.

I discovered many different dimensions of looking at fish from this book,
and I am fascinated to see traditional Western meat cooking methods applied to fish cooking.

I strongly believe that the techniques which were developed by locals for over hundreds or even thousands years under the local climate, with local ingredients and paired with local wine is the best way to create the dish, and they taste the best without a doubt.
So in that theory, this is a new way to cook fish but it’s also supported by the traditional wisdoms…

Very informative and simply an amazing cookbook!

(This is the winner of Book of the Year of 2020 #JamesBeardFoundationBookAwards)

Another book I’ve recently bought which also won James Beard book award;
Eat Like a Fish: My Adventures as a Fisherman Turned Restorative Ocean Farmer
by Bren Smith

シドニーで魚レストラン「Saint Peter」のシェフ、

アメリカの食業界で権威ある、James Beard Foundationの、







漁師から、海藻を栽培する”ファーマー” になったブレン・スミス氏の自伝的なお話。